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Author(s):      Juliana Macedo Reis Mercês and Profa Dra Marcia Maria Pereira Rendeiro
ISBN:      978-989-8533-69-2
Editors:      Pedro Isaías and Hans Weghorn
Year:      2017
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      e-Learning; e-Health; Public Policy; Continuing Education
Type:      Poster/Demonstration
First Page:      321
Last Page:      324
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The Federal Government of Brazil created the Open University of the Unified Health System (UNA-SUS) as a complementary strategy to the Continuing E-health Education Policy (PNEPS),to meet the training and continuing education needs of SUS workers, through the E-Learning modality, as a way of professional updating. UNA-SUS from Rio de Janeiro State University(UNA-SUS / UERJ), developed courses for E-Learning, self-instructional, free and open access to the public interested in the following topics: (a) National Policy on Comprehensive Health LGBT Population; (b) Endocrine-Metabolic Diseases and Nutrition; (c) Judicialization of Health in Home Care and (d) Approach of Violence in home care. The objective of this study was to analyze the applicability of the use of a e-learning course in a country of continental dimensions such as Brazil, to know the profile of the students, the level of satisfaction related to the stimulus to the reflection about the practical situations and the level of knowledge acquired. In addition, the scope of the courses in the national territory was investigated. We used the secondary data extracted from the Arouca Platform and the Self-Assessment Questionnaire from each course and educational offer.The data were organized into Excel spreadsheets and analyzed. Thus, based on the data analyzed, it was possible to conclude that E-learning and the free offer for any professional interested in the themes offered is an excellent strategy to overcome geographical barriers, promote health and support the implementation of public policies, especially in countries with continental dimensions, such as Brazil. Furthermore, the pedagogical choice incorporated in the courses obtained a positive evaluation of the students for providing reflection on practical situations and acquisition of important knowledge for professional practice.

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