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Author(s):      Sonal Chawla
ISBN:      972-98947-5-2
Editors:      Pedro IsaĆ­as, Piet Kommers and Maggie McPherson
Year:      2004
Edition:      2
Keywords:      E-governance, India, eSeva ,Chandigarh.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      803
Last Page:      807
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This paper analyses the progress made by the Indian government in improving its interface with citizens using IT tools such as the Internet. During the last few years there has been major initiatives among different Governments towards ushering in Information Technology and its tools in the functioning of Indian Government. The emphasis has been on providing better services to citizens and in improving the internal productivity. It has been widely accepted that IT implementation in Government is the most difficult process and hence requires careful planning and formulation of strategies for effective implementation. Therefore, the objective of the paper is fourfolds. Firstly, it looks at what is Egovernance . Secondly ,it closely observes the response of the Indian government in introducing E-governance in some of its states.Thirdly, the paper uses few case studies to see the current state of E-governance in India. Finally, the paper concludes with the hope that very soon the whole of the country shall be buzzing with the success of E-governance in India and the gap between the government and its citizens shall be considerably reduced.

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