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Author(s):      Paavo Heikkinen, Bernd Hilgarth
ISBN:      978-989-8533-50-0
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro IsaĆ­as and Philip Powell
Year:      2016
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Digitalization, BPM, Organizational Development, Disruptive Technologies, Last-Mile Problem, Dynaxity
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      145
Last Page:      148
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Many so called disruptive trends like the Five SMART Technologies (Gartner, 2014) affect more and more existing business models with high dynamics and complexities. At the same time the affected organizations do show more or less settled business models with partly long traditions of process improvement work. During researching the Business Process Management (BPM) last-mile phenomenon in the past five years (Kurz et al, 2012), some general reasons arise for failures of process improvements and implementations in highly standardized organizations. At the same time for the authors of this paper it became clear that this research might be expanded to aspects coming from other disciplines like project management, strategy management, quality management or change management are nearby the BPM approaches. In the era of the widely discussed trend of digitalization, the number and intensity of process improvements an organization has to react on with the adaptation of their business processes and organizational structures increases from the authors experience and point of view in an enormous way. Mature organization show often that the problem to react on necessary changes are initiated by the use of new technologies. This article serves as (1) a first summary of the observations were made during the past three years in context of adaptations of disruptive technologies and business models like 3D printing in standardized process organizations and (2) it will draft from the authors point of view the need and way for researching on this complex.

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