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Author(s):      Katarina Šiber Makar, Anita Belak Bradač and Ivana Ogrizek Biškupić
ISBN:      978-989-8704-50-4
Editors:      Piet Kommers, Mário Macedo, Guo Chao Peng and Ajith Abraham
Year:      2023
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Work Model (Onsite, Hybrid, Online), Employees, Work Regulations, Workplace Disruption
Type:      Full
First Page:      131
Last Page:      140
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:     

Nowadays we are facing global transformation driven by digital technology. A paradigm shift has been fostered by so many disruptions in almost all occupations and professions. Many companies that were present in the market for decades have digitalized parts of their business model, introduced new digital businesses, services or products and digitalized their processes, wherever applicable. Technology pace is increasing and is fundamentally changing the nature of job tasks, resulting in many new job roles that were created in the last decade, while others have become obsolete and fully automatized by robots, artificial intelligence, machine learning, chat bots and other digital technologies and solutions. Digital transformation has greatly affected all participants of a value change: service and product providers, their customers, and their employees. In this paper authors analyse challenges and benefits of remote/hybrid work for companies, employers, and employees, present the results of the conducted research on the employees' sample N:102 from one medium-sized company in the Republic of Croatia.


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