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Author(s):      Juliana de Melo Bezerra, Cristiane Aparecida Martins, Lara Kühl Teles, Neusa Maria Franco de Oliveira, Maria Margareth da Silva, Leila Ribeiro dos Santos and Raquel Caratti Pian
ISBN:      978-989-8533-81-4
Editors:      Demetrios G. Sampson, Dirk Ifenthaler and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2018
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      STEM, Education, Non-Cognitive, Competences, Engineering, Student
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      303
Last Page:      306
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The development of transversal competences is essential for the success of engineers, who need to have the ability to adapt to the new and changing demands posed by modern society and scientific advances. It is a challenge for professors to teach and evaluate transversal competences, since such competences are related to attitudes and values. We present a program, held in an Engineering school, with the goal of motivating young people in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) areas. Results from the designed initiatives pointed to success in the development of transversal competences, including problem solving, communication, leadership, teamwork, self-management, creativity and innovation.

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