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Author(s):      Hamid Mcheick , Hafedh Mili , Hakim Lounis , Rakan Mcheik
ISBN:      978-972-8924-44-7
Editors:      Pedro Isaías , Miguel Baptista Nunes and João Barroso (associate editors Luís Rodrigues and Patrícia Barbosa)
Year:      2007
Edition:      V I, 2
Keywords:      Distributed objects; delegation; aspect-oriented software development.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      321
Last Page:      328
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      In wide-enterprise information system, an object can change its behaviours and play different roles/views in their lifecycle. In distributed system, the same object offers different views/roles (functional) to different users/clients, which enjoy different privileges to core data and functionalities. Distributed platforms address one problem or the other. Our approach, called distributed view programming, tries to address both problems. At any given point of time, an object offers a different set of behaviours depending of the active views in that time. Therefore, a client/application user may select a subset of existing functionalities of that object. The core object forwards a function call to a view that has to return it to core object. In distributed platforms, there are no needs to support delegation in EJB Corba or .Net between an object and its aspects or views because this separation doesn’t exist. In this paper, we discuss a distribution issues with view programming (VOP) and then delegation idea in distributed views-based systems.

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