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Author(s):      Tarek Kaddoumi and Torben Tambo
ISBN:      978-989-8704-48-1
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro IsaĆ­as and Philip Powell
Year:      2023
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Enterprise Data Agility, Enterprise Architecture, Chief Data Office(r), Data, Agility
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      107
Last Page:      117
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The purpose of this paper is investigating the relationship between data, enterprise architecture (EA) and agility in corporate information technology services. Data is represented by the Chief Data Office(r). The underlying assumption is an assumed disconnectedness between CDO and EA functions. Where CDO is assumed to monitor and exploit data but might lack of connectedness to other relevant business and technology functions in order to released the potentials of the data-driven enterprise. Especially data semantics seems strongly affected by recent health and geopolitical situations. The study is organized based on grounded research especially use of the Gioia method to guide and code semi-structured interview with ten CDO professionals worldwide. Findings pertain to indications of business benefits of connecting CDO and EA functions and responsibilities in ideas of co-ownership of enterprise data resources. The over-arching rationale of this is velocity of change as represented by agile thinking. This is well-known in software development but must be considered broader and in a more committed form connecting enterprise and data in a proposed Enterprise Data Agility. A key practical implication is that the CDO function have been established to exploit data but are more tasked with data governance in form of reporting, integrity assurance, privacy, access policies and similar. The proposed agile thinking suggests more proactive and change-oriented actionability. In other words, changes in data semantics are the best indicators for risks and potentials of the enterprise. By assuring agility in both EA and CDO, changes can be accommodated faster and with more timely risk mitigation.

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