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Author(s):      Borislav Jošanov , Radovan Tomić , Ivana Jošanov
ISBN:      972-8924-06-2
Editors:      Nitya Karmakar and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2005
Edition:      Single
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      449
Last Page:      450
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      E-readiness refers to a country's ability to take advantage of the Internet as an engine of economic growth and human development. The first step in any approach to introduce ICTs is to consider the ability or "readiness" to integrate ICT’s. An evaluation based on objective criteria (indicators) to establish basic ICT benchmarks is one way of assessing e-readiness. An e-readiness assessment can be used as an information-gathering mechanism for countries as they plan their strategies for ICT development. It can help a society better understand what impediments to Internet development exist and what initiatives are needed to overcome them (Deign, 2005). A variety of assessment tools have been developed to measure e-readiness, and assessments have been conducted in many countries. Each of these tools uses a slightly different definition of e-readiness and different means for measurement. Since 2000, the Economist Intelligence Unit has published an annual e-readiness ranking of the world’s largest economies. Serbia and Montenegro is not on this list. This survey tries to make a platform for change of this situation.

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