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Author(s):      Diego Casado Mansilla , Andrés Navarro Guillén , Juan R. Velasco
ISBN:      978-972-8924-56-0
Editors:      Nuno Guimarães and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2008
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Ad-hoc Networks, Mobile Agents, Nomadism, Service Discovery, Emergency & Disaster Recovery
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      344
Last Page:      347
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Wireless Networks and the usage of mobile devices are becoming popular in our daily routine, and step by step this technology is growing in the emergency, disaster recovery and health care fields. This paper focuses on real telematic service provisioning in scenarios where there is a lack of fixed communication infrastructure due to natural disasters (fires, earthquakes, tsunamis ...). In these environments the use of mobile devices is mandatory, and in order to communicate the mobile devices only Ad-hoc Networking can carry this out. Mobile devices focuses their efforts of creating a network infrastructure and use it to route all the data information. Since the main device's problems are well known in an Ad-hoc environment (power limitation, QoS, efficiency, Bandwidth etc..) the usage of agents technology has been proposed to reduce them, and more specifically mobile agents which could play a very important role controlling the communication flow and simplifying the exchange of services and cooperation between nodes. In this research we present a real scenario, where a fire has occurred and therefore the lack of fixed communication is obvious. In this situation, a fire brigade must go to the disaster zone, deploy their groups to cover the fire area and always be communicated and coordinated to remedy the damage that the fire might cause as soon as possible. It is possible that assistants may go to the disaster area to analyze and solve the firefighters' needs. To achieve this, we propose the use of Ad-hoc networks to keep an organized communication's structure, agents technology to manage and coordinate the communication and services offered.

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