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Author(s):      Hossam El-Din Hassanien, Ahmed Elragal
ISBN:      978-989-8704-04-7
Editors:      Philip Powell, Miguel Baptista Nunes and Pedro IsaĆ­as
Year:      2014
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Tokenization Security
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      339
Last Page:      344
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Nowadays, many organizations have a number of disparate data stores, which need a centralized single version of truth decision support system that would enable executives to monitor the business performance and make decisions in an efficient manner. Currently, emerging technological advancements pose lots of opportunities towards the transformation of the Capital Expense (Cap-Ex) to Operational Expenses (Op-Ex) through the introduction of the pay-per-use schemes within Cloud Computing technologies, which broadens the user base of many of the enterprise implementations to reach small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Even though the stance of such transformation forms tempting breaks to many of the users, yet the privacy and confidentiality obstructions accompanied with such technologies may establish primary impediments towards the adoption of these technologies. Thus requiring a different core security approaches to be followed to leverage and empower the granular reason of not choosing cloud computing as a solution for similar implementations. This paper suggests a novel approach to this problem. The approach depends on tokenization as a security mechanism. A prototype was developed to test the newly suggested approach. Results show that tokenization could replace the traditional encryption techniques towards securing the BI data in the cloud.

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