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Author(s):      Juan Pedro López, Anton Authier, David Jiménez, José Manuel Menéndez and Nuria Sánchez
ISBN:      978-989-8533-69-2
Editors:      Pedro Isaías and Hans Weghorn
Year:      2017
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Streaming, 5G networks, Video Quality, Artefacts, Metrics, QoE
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      213
Last Page:      220
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Internet traffic is growing by an average of 40% a year and video streaming stands for 50% of the traffic. The expansion of new applications and services for video distribution makes users demand video quality and faster loads for contents with higher resolutions. For that reason, it is necessary to improve detection systems with check the received contents and insure comfortable use. The wide variety of technologies for streaming and encoding systems make necessary the implementation of blind quality models that detect errors independently of the transmission source, focused on analyzing the decoded image as consumed by the final user. Additionally, the absence of a video reference in streaming systems oblige the creation of No-Reference quality metrics, because the content is not available to compare the video received with the original source. For that reason, this paper proposes a novel algorithm based on the detection transmission artefacts using visual VQA techniques in order to improve users' Quality of Experience (QoE). The algorithm is based on the detection of main streaming visual errors and artefacts, such as color degradation, frozen frames, complete absence of video or packet losses. The algorithm is included in a quality probe application that is part of a 5G transmission network system for streaming high quality video. The algorithm analyzes the video quality for detecting streaming errors and the application warns the broadcaster for the retransmission of content if necessary. For the evaluation of the algorithm, a database of videos containing different types of errors was used in order to simulate streaming conditions and approach reality. The development of this application is necessary for the introduction of next generation 5G telecommunications networks and the consequent new paradigm of video broadcasting.

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