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Author(s):      Saida Ziane , Hichem Bacha
ISBN:      972-8924-23-2
Editors:      Sandeep Krishnamurthy and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2006
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Web services, business process, quality of service, availability, security, mobility, replication, composition.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      105
Last Page:      111
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      WEB service is an upcoming and promising middleware technology, which is based on common internet technologies like Extensible Markup Language (XML) [1], which is an interface definition language (IDL), defined by the Object Management Group (OMG), and the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). WEB services are strongly supported by major application platform vendors such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft and Sun Microsystem. In other words, Web services are an emerging technology that provides a flexible platform for web interaction. The popularity of web services with the IT industry continues to grow as the architecture and its implementations evolve and mature. In the last few years, Web service technology has gained more and more attention in academic research and industry. Several frameworks were proposed and all shared the opinion that services are important for easy application collaboration and integration. They try to provide appropriate tools and a complete infrastructure for implementing and executing Web services. Dynamic Web services integration consists of the process of creating new services at runtime from a set of service components. It supports business agility, flexibility, and availability, which are features of critical importance in the modern business world and in e-commerce software systems. With mobile computers and wireless networking hardware becoming widely and increasingly cheaply available, a large body of effort has over the past years gone into incorporating mobility support into the existing, prevailingly wired web services. By combining mobile computing and Web Services technologies, pervasive computing expects more portability and location transparency for accessing information in anytime from anywhere. Though, a direct integration of two technologies imposes performance limitations because of XML’s verbose nature and physical limitations of mobile computing. In this paper, we present QoS issue for Web service by proposing a replication model for Web services that improves the availability of services in the composition process, and look at the problem of security, a very important aspect. We try also to present our actual researches about mobile Web services

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