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Author(s):      Adriano Moreira , Rui José , Helder Pinto , Noé Vilas Boas
ISBN:      972-98947-0-1
Editors:      António Palma dos Reis and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2003
Edition:      1
Keywords:      Location-based services, context-aware, location management .
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      305
Last Page:      312
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The provision of information and electronic services to citizens through wireless networks has already started a few years ago. In particular, most GSM network operators in Europe offer a considerable number of services to their customers through their mobile portals based on the WAP technology. However, those portals are designed around centralized contents and offer from third party entities, although crucial for the success of those services, is still very limited. In this paper we describe the development of a system that provides location-based information to the citizens of a municipality through their mobile phones. The information is maintained mostly by several third party entities, but we also discuss a model where information is managed by a central entity in order to support the progressive enrolment of local providers, as they get involved into the use of information technology. With this experiment many difficulties and limitations have been identified that impair the implementation of many interesting features. The prototype has provided a better understanding of some of the key issues involved in implementing a real system of this nature. Among them is the difficult access to information about the location of mobile users, which is mainly controlled by mobile network operators. Such access would greatly enhance the usability and usefulness of mobile portals.

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