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Author(s):      Ebrahim Alhashel , Masoud Mohammadian , Bala Balachandran , Dharmendra Sharma
ISBN:      978-972-8924-87-4
Editors:      António Palma dos Reis
Year:      2009
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Agent-based software, multi-agent systems, cooperative software system, software engineering, ontology, semantic web.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      219
Last Page:      224
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Many agent-based software architectures have been proposed, with each focusing on a specific agent approach or designed toward a specific applications domain. This multiplicity of approaches reflects the interest in designing an ideal agent architecture that allows the agents to behave autonomously and cooperatively. This research first studies the existing agent-based architectures encompassed in the agents’ development methodologies and agents’ development tools. Then an original agent-based cooperative architecture called “Agent Team Maker” (ATM) is proposed. ATM consists of five layers: User agent, Services finder, Team management, Professional agent, and Skill agent. The services in this context refer to any application that can perform a unit of work toward the achievement of the goal. In order to make the services dynamically identifiable, we develop a semantic schema for each service in the system. Web services ontology language (OWL), resources framework (RDF), and extensible mark-up language (XML) are used consecutively in the implementation of the services semantic schema and data representation. A case study (travel agent system) is used to illustrate the implementation of ATM, the result is presented and the future works are discussed.

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