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Author(s):      R.garcía , V. García , X.g. Pañeda , D. Melendi , A. Neira
ISBN:      972-98947-3-6
Editors:      Nuno Guimarães and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2004
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Traffic, aggregate, fiber network, model, applications, validation.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      1213
Last Page:      1220
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The aim of this paper is to model the traffic generated in a FTTX network for voice and data transmission, in order to study the resources consumption in the network, due to the appearance of new users and the implantation of new services. Thus, we commence with a traffic model that represents the use that network subscribers make of the system, allowing the generation of requests sent by the subscribers connected to the return channels. The model uses the number of subscribers assigned to each return channel. The traffic in each return channel is obtained from the aggregation of the separated traffic streams originated by the user’s applications executed. Later, a model of the branches from the cable network is developed, considering both the upstream channels and the downstream channel of the controller. The results obtained in these processes can be validated using the real data provided by a FTTX cable operator. For the accomplishment of the model, the OPNET simulation language has been used. In addition, the results have been exported to MATLAB, which permits the execution of all types of statistical analyses, with the aim of both making the verification of the results and the validation of the developed model.

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