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Title:      Acceleration of the gradient-type methods in blind source separation
Author(s):      David Blanco , Diego P. Ruiz , María C. Carrion , Carlos García-puntonet
ISBN:      ISSN: 1646-3692
Editors:      Mohammad Essaaidi and Mohammed El Mohajir (Guest Editors)
Year:      2009
Edition:      V IV, 1
Keywords:      radar target recognition, natural resonances, principal component analysis, neural network, matrix pencil method.
Type:      Journal Paper
First Page:      21
Last Page:      29
Language:      English
Cover:      no-img_eng.gif          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The steepest descendent is the non-linear optimiza-tion method most used in ICA algorithms. The method is used to find the unmixing matrix, which solves the problem and is a minimum of a non-linear cost function. In this paper the use of quasi-Newton optimization methods, instead of gradient-type ICA methods, is studied. These methods can increase the speed of the method what it is corroborated by simulations.

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