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Author(s):      João Barreto , Paulo Ferreira
ISBN:      972-98947-3-6
Editors:      Nuno Guimarães and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2004
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Distributed file systems, optimistic replication, mobile ad-hoc networks, ubiquitous computing.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      1262
Last Page:      1270
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The emergence of more powerful and resourceful mobile devices, as well as new wireless communication technologies, is turning the concept of ad-hoc networking into a viable and promising possibility for ubiquitous information sharing. However, the inherent characteristics of ad-hoc networks bring up new challenges for which most conventional systems don't provide an appropriate response. Namely, the lack of a pre-existing infrastructure, the high topological dynamism of these networks, the relatively low bandwidth of wireless links, as well as the limited storage and energy resources of mobile devices are issues that strongly affect the efficiency of any distributed system intended to provide ubiquitous information sharing. In this paper we describe Haddock-FS, a transparent replicated file system designed to support collaboration in the novel usage scenarios enabled by mobile ad-hoc environments. Haddock-FS is based on a highly available optimistic consistency protocol. In order to support co-present collaborative activities in mobile ad-hoc environments, it provides stronger consistency guarantees during operation within highly connected ad-hoc groups of mobile devices. In order to effectively cope with the network bandwidth and device memory constraints of these environments, Haddock-FS employs a limited size log truncation scheme and a cross-file, cross-version content similarity exploitation mechanism.

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