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Author(s):      Supakorn Kungpisdan , Bala Srinivasan , Phu Dung Le
ISBN:      972-98947-0-1
Editors:      António Palma dos Reis and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2003
Edition:      1
Keywords:      Mobile commerce, SET protocol, payment system, electronic commerce, mobile agent .
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      321
Last Page:      328
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Making SET payments through mobile devices is difficult because of the limitations on both mobile devices and wireless networks. To overcome these limitations, agent-based SET payment systems have been proposed. However, they are still not quite suitable for wireless environment. In this paper, we propose a new framework for agent-based SET payment which provides more suitable and practical solution for wireless networks. With our modified SET wallet, the computational load at the client side is reduced. We also show that the system satisfies transaction security properties including accountability and client privacy which are the most important properties of electronic commerce protocols. In addition, the credit-card information is not required to be sent over the air. This results in the security enhancement of the system. The system is practical because it is fully compatible with the existing SET payment infrastructures, hence there is no modification required on merchants and payment gateways.

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