Digital Library


Author(s):      Nicola Armenise
ISBN:      978-972-8924-44-7
Editors:      Pedro Isaías , Miguel Baptista Nunes and João Barroso (associate editors Luís Rodrigues and Patrícia Barbosa)
Year:      2007
Edition:      V I, 2
Keywords:      Authoring of adaptive hypermedia, OWL, AHA!.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      43
Last Page:      50
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Customized e-Learning in the semantic web is recently raising to be a must on the way towards more and more valuable on-line learning experiences. Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems (AEHS) monitor students’ activity and collect information in order to build the “student model”, a major key towards adapting themselves to make users’ learning more comfortable. However, AEHS are difficult to be developed much more than non-adaptive hypermedia, especially for a large number of their best potential designers, i.e. professionals in the fields of training and education. Thus, high-level general-purpose authoring tools are greatly welcome. Moreover, learning contents writing is expensive, so a growing emphasis is on the reuse of the numerous learning materials available in the Web, which is nowadays a real chance, if they are conveniently described and can also be used for reasoning about them. In this respect, the Web ontology language OWL is the most recent proposal and has already gained widespread acceptance as a language for ontology specification. In this paper we describe a software-bridge between AHA!, a well-known environment for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems, and Protégé-Owl ontologies coded in the RDF/XML format. The plug-in we have implemented allows you to import an OWL-ontology designed by the software Protégé into the .GAF format supported by Graph Author, the high-level tool provided by AHA! for domain conceptual modelling.

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