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Author(s):      Vitor Secretti Bertoncello, Cristiano André da Costa, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi
ISBN:      978-989-8533-57-9
Editors:      Pedro Isaías
Year:      2016
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      e-Health. Web Semantics. Mobile Computing. Health Records. Ubiquitous Healthcare
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      211
Last Page:      218
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The constant growth of life expectancy brought to the focus a challenge for the healthcare systems. The increased longevity of the population directly results in an increased registration of chronic diseases, rising the demand for healthcare. Overcoming this challenge is to change the healthcare model, whose goal is to insert patients as active members in the care of their own health. This new model has generated demand for new information and communication technology solutions that must be able to satisfactorily meet the patient, as solutions in mobile and ubiquitous computing. In this context, this article proposes a model called AllHealthcare, consisting of a Personal Health Record (PHR) solution where patients are able to build a Dynamic Accompanying Profile (DAP) for their healthcare. The profile is defined according to their needs, and changed as either new demands or focus are considered. This dynamism in building a custom profile is achieved because the proposed model is based on openEHR standard archetypes, which also provides the feature of semantic interoperability to this proposal. In a review research focusing on PHR, most of the solutions are designed and focused for treatment of a particular disease or their models do not fulfill a number of important and current operational requirements, such as healthcare mobility and semantic interoperability of information. Finally, to evaluate AllHealthcare , we designed two use case scenarios based on a developed prototype.

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