The 4th edition of the Collaborative Technologies 2013 (CT) International Conference was hosted in Prague, Czech Republic, during 24 to 26 July, 2013 and was co-organised by The University of Economics in Prague (VŠE), Czech Republic. This conference was part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2013, 22 - 26 July.
This CT Conference is focused on issues related to the concepts, theory, modelling, specification, implementation and evaluation of collaborative systems, technologies and their 'wider' applications in the information society. It pays particular attention to the 'wider' dimension as a mean to diversify it and broaden the applicability and scope of the current body of knowledge in the area of applied collaborative domain including emerging and next generation methods and technologies. The aim is to cover both technical and non-technical aspects of the collaborative nature of today's information society, as well as, prompt future direction for the advancement of the community.
Submissions were accepted under the following 5 main topics: - Theory Foundations - Technical Infrastructures - Environments, Tools and Applications - Benefits realization and Social Implications - Future Concepts
The Collaborative Technologies 2013 Conference had 38 submissions from more than 11 countries. Each submission has been anonymously reviewed by an average of four independent reviewers, to guarantee the final high standard of the accepted submissions. Consequently only 6 full papers were approved which corresponds to an acceptance rate of 16 %. A few more papers were accepted as short and reflection papers.
The Conference Program featured an opening and closing sessions, 3 parallel paper sessions, 1 Keynote Presentation and a Poster Session.
The keynote presentation was given by Professor Gunilla Bradley, Professor Emerita, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Extended versions of the best papers were selected to be published as extended versions in the the International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) ISSN: 1947-3532. Other outlets may also receive extended versions of the best papers, including journals from Inderscience.
Keynote presentation

"WHAT IS QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE ICT SOCIETY?'' by Professor Gunilla Bradley,
Professor Em, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Some issues that will be addressed are:
• Main changes in people´s lives – structures and roles. What changes are going on in the professional, private and citizen's role? How can we balance our various roles at the increasing convergence of them? Important contributing factors to Quality of Life and how to achieve.
• Main changes in the labour market – work force in the so-called flexible companies. New ways to influence our work life conditions as well as to contribute to societal change.
• Impact of network organizations on human behavior, values, motivation and feelings. Our relation to space and time, what kind of stress? Dialectics of values and life styles.
• Some trends in psychosocial communication and ICT, collaboration and global communication patterns. The home as a communication sphere in the network era - new opportunities and risks.
• Convergence and acceleration are main processes at the interplay between technology, societal structure, organizational design, and human roles in the society. I will reflect on the convergence theory and the discourse in Media Technology and Informatics about the present power relations and movements globally. I will present reflections on risks and opportunities in the 21 st Century ICT society. Where are the "energy centers" that can activate and create changes towards the "Good Information Society"? Can agreements on Goals and Visions for that society be achieved?
The Collaborative Technologies 2013 was published in Book (ISBN: 978-972-8939-92-2).
Program Committee Members: Adrian Groza, Technical University Of Cluj-napoca, Romania Alejandro Fernandez, La Plata University, Argentina Alton Chua, Nanyang Technological Universit, Singapore Andreas Menychtas, National Technical University Of Athens, Greece Andrei Semeniuta, Belarussian Trade Economic University, Belarus Antonio Panaggio, Italian Ministry Of Education, Italy Antonio Ruiz Martínez, University of Murcia, Spain Areti Manataki, University Of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Arianna D'ulizia, National Research Council - Irpps, Italy Atsuo Hazeyama, Tokyo Gakugei Unversity, Japan Boyan Bontchev, Sofia University St. Kl. Ohridski, Bulgaria Charalampos Karagiannidis, University of Thessaly, Greece Christoph Beckmann, University Of Bamberg, Germany Claudia Raibulet, University Of Milano-bicocca, Italy Cuong Nguyen, University Of Nebraska At Omaha, Usa David Cook, C4ideas, Namibia David Kocsis, University Of Nebraska At Omaha, Usa Dimitris Kotzinos, Technical Educational Institution Of Serres, Greece Dimosthenis Kyriazis, National Technical University Of Athens, Greece Dorel Dusmanescu, Petroleum-Gas University Of Ploiesti, Romania Ejub Kajan, State University Of Novi Pazar, Serbia El Hassan Abdelwahed , University Cadi Ayyad, Morocco Elaheh Pourabbas, National Research Council, Italy Eleana Asimakopoulou, University Of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom Fadila Bentayeb, University Of Lyon ( Lyon 2), France Federica Paci, University of Trento,, Italy Florin Popentiu-Vladicescu, University Of Oradea, Romania Frederic Hubert, Laval University, Quebec,, Canada Gabriel Baum, La Plata University, Argentina Gabriela Moise, Petroleum-gas University Of Ploiesti, Romania Gert-jan De Vreede, University Of Nebraska At Omaha, Usa Grigore Albeanu, Spiru Haret University, Romania Guillermo Jimenez, Instituto Tecnologico De Monterrey (itesm), Mexico Hakikur Rahman, Schoolnet Foundation, Bangladesh Hani Qusa, University Of Roma, Italy Hao Cheng, Yahoo Inc, USA Ilias Karasavvidis, University Of Thessaly, Greece Jérôme Darmont, Université de Lyon (ERIC Lyon 2), France Ji Zhang, The University of Southern Queensland, Australia Jongwon Kim, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, Republic of Kevin Curran, University Of Ulster, Northern Ireland Liz Bacon, University Of Greenwich, United Kingdom Luis Berdun, Isistan - Instituto De Sistemas Tandil, Argentina M. Antonia Martínez-carreras, University Of Murcia, Spain, Spain Manolis Tzagarakis, Computer Technology Institute, Greece Marcello Sarini, University Of Milano-bicocca, Italy Marcelo Armentano, ISISTAN Research Institute, Argentina Marina Mondin, Politecnico Di Torino, Italy Mario Vacca, "La Sapienza" University of Rome , Italy Martin Molhanec, Czech Technical University In Prague, Czech Republic Massimiliano Laddomada, Texas A&m University-Texarkana, Usa Maytham Safar, Kuwait University, Kuwait Michael Vassilakopoulos, University Of Central Greece, Greece Mihaela Muntean, West University Of Timisoara, Romania Monica Vladoiu, PG University Of Ploiesti, Romania Mudasser Wyne, National University, USA Muhanna Muhanna, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan Nikos Karacapilidis, University Of Patras, Greece Olfa Chourabi, Telecom & Management Sudparis, France Pankaj Kamthan, Concordia University, Canada Phil Clipsham, University Of Greenwich, United Kingdom Raquel Trillo, University Of Zaragoza, Spain Renate Fructer, Stanford University,, Usa Sergio Ilarri, University Of Zaragoza, Spain Sharon Cox, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom Silvia Schiaffino, Universidad Nacional Del Centro De La Pcia De Buen, Argentina Stefano Ferretti, University Of Bologna, Italy Thierry Badard, Laval University, Quebec, Canada Ting Yu, University Of Sydney, Australia Tomoo Inoue, University Of Tsukuba, Japan Vladimir Dyo, University Of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom Wael El-medany, University Of Bahrain, Bahrain Wail Omar, BNR-Education Inc., Canada Weidong (Tony) Huang, CSIRO ICTCentre, Australia Wolfgang Prinz, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany