Madeira Island welcomed this year editions of the International Conferences on: e-Society (ES 2025), Mobile Learning (ML 2025), Educational Technologies (ICEduTech 2025) and IADIS Information Systems (IS 2025). We would like to show our appreciation for the active participation of all the participants in these events and we hope you have enjoyed Madeira to the fullest.
Every year we are joined by researchers, students, practitioners ...
We extend our thanks and show our appreciation for the active participation of all the participants of the International Conference on Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century (AMA21 2024) and Ibero American conferences on: Applied Computing (CIACA 2024) and WWW/Internet (CIAWI 2024). We would like to express our gratitude to all our participants that were able to attend and present their work virtually.
Every ...
We extend our thanks and show our appreciation for the active participation of all the participants of the International Conferences on: Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2024), Applied Computing (AC 2024) and WWW/Internet (ICWI 2024). We would like to express our gratitude to all our participants that were able to attend and present their research in Zagreb, Croatia.
Every year we are ...
Thomson Reuters has recently launched the new database index called Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), therefore widening the universe of publications in Web of Science to include high-quality, peer-reviewed publications in emerging scientific fields. Therefore, we are pleased to announce ...