-->  Vol. 6 Number 2  (2011)

Guest Editorial

Max Chevalier, Philippe Lopistéguy and André Tricot 



Involving End-Users In Database Design – The Rainbow Approach


Ravi Ramdoyal and Jean-Luc Hainaut 


The Use of Digital Traces: A Promising Component of Adaptive Information Systems?


Magali Ollagnier-Beldame 


Extraction of Contextual Associations to Support User In a Task of Information Retrieval by Navigation,


Jean Caussanel and Ali Mroué 


 Using Context Modeling and Domain Ontology in The Design of Personalized User Interface

Firas Bacha, Káthia Oliveira and Mourad Abed 


Multi-Application Personalization Using G-Profile


Marco Viviani, Nadia Bennani and Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond