Pedro Isaías and Marcin Paprzycki

ConsolidatinG Fragmented Identity: Attributes
Aggregation to Secure Information Systems,
Ghazi Ben Ayed

Technology-Related Privacy Concerns: A Review,
Cliona McParland and Regina Connolly

Fast Flash Memory Caching Based on File Access
ChenHan Liao, Frank Wang, Na Helian, Sining Wu and
YuHui Deng

Storage Model for XML in Object-Relational
Michael Kamel, Khaled Nagi and Nagwa El-Makky

Security Mechanisms of A Legal Peer-To-Peer File
Sharing System,
Sebastian Schinzel, Martin Schmucker and Peter

A Novel Semantic Approach to Document Collections
Andrea Addis, Manuela Angioni, Giuliano
Armano, Roberto Demontis, Franco Tuveri and
Eloisa Vargiu

Dynamic Simulation of Inextensible Cloth,
Jan Bender, Daniel Bayer and Raphael Diziol

A Method for Automatically Creating 3D Animated
Scenes from Annotated Fiction Text,
Kevin Glass and Shaun Bangay

Synchronising Video Session Recordings and Textual
Transcriptions from The Andalusian Parliament,
Luis M. de Campos, Juan M. Fernández-Luna, Juan F.
Huete and
Carlos J. Martín-Dancausa

Business and Information Systems Misalignment:
Diagnosis, Therapy and Prophylaxis techniques
based on Syndromes,
Carvalho and Pedro Sousa

“Soft” Skills for Young is Professionals: A View
from the Field,
José Carlos
Nascimento, Pedro Pimenta, Sanaz Schroeder, Ellen
Eamonn McQuade and Peter Fabian
