IJCSIS Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Authors and Authors responsibilities

- All authors must significantly contribute to the research.

- All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes and list of references

- It is not allowed to publish the same research in more than one journal.

Peer-review process

- All of a journal’s content is subjected to peer-review.

Publication ethics

The IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems (IJCSIS) is an electronic peer reviewed international journal, which follows the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible procedures against any publication misconduct and malpractice. This Journal does not accept any type of plagiarism, which means that any author replicating a significant part of another's work without acknowledging him/her or passing another's work off as his/her own are not tolerated and not published.

All authors submitting their works to this Journal for publication as original works confirm that the submitted papers are their own contributions and have not been copied in whole or in part from other works.

Reviewers should identify significant published work that has not been acknowledged by the authors.

It is ensured that the entire publication process is meticulous and objective. IJCSIS is committed to guaranteeing ethics in publication and quality of articles. A high standard of ethical behavior is therefore expected of all parties involved, that is Authors, Editors, Reviewers and the Publisher.

Furthermore, all works not in accordance with these standards will be removed from the publication if malpractice is revealed at any time even after the publication. Every case of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing will be reported.

Copyright and Access

Copyright of any paper published by this Journal (including, without limitation, the right to publish the work in whole or in part in any and all forms and media, now or hereafter known) is hereby transferred to the International Association for Development of the Information Society (hereinafter IADIS), effective as of the date of this agreement, on the understanding that the work has been accepted for presentation at a meeting sponsored by IADIS and for publication in the proceedings of that meeting.

However, each of the authors and the employers for whom the work was performed reserve all other rights, specifically including the following:

(1) All proprietary rights other than copyright and the publication rights transferred to IADIS;

(2) The right to publish in a journal or collection or to be used in future works of the author's own (such as articles or books) all or part of this work, provided that acknowledgement is given to IADIS and a full citation to its publication in the particular proceedings is included;

(3) The right to make oral presentation of the material in any forum;

(4) The right to make copies of the work for internal distribution within the author's organization and for external distribution as a preprint, reprint, technical report, or related class of document. In the case of a work prepared under a government contract, if the contract so requires, that government may reproduce all or portions of the article and may authorize others to do so, for official government purposes only.

The author(s) also declare by signing the copyright agreement that the work is original and that it has not been published elsewhere.