Avila Welcomes IADIS March Conferences

Avila Welcomes



Avila, a UNESCO designated World Heritage Site, willmurallas_avila_night welcome IADIS March conferences next year: Information Systems 2011, e-Society 2011 and Mobile Learning 2011.


These co-located conferences will be held in Avila, Spain, during three days, 10-13 March 2011 and will join researchers, students and practitioners from across the globe. This spring, IS 2011, ES 2011 and ML 2011 will reiterate their commitment to the development of their most important and current trends with the contribution of the multidisciplinary and international expertise of our participants and speakers.


For further information on each of the conferences’ dates and specific topics, click the links below:

IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2011
IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2011
IADIS International Conference E-Society 2011

We look forward to seeing you in Avila!


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